

Having the right, specialized and reliable suppliers is the best way to quality products and services, isn’t it? But how do you find these suppliers and still maintain solid, healthy, and profitable partnerships? Executiva Outsourcing does this path with you!

With our supplier approval process, you search, evaluate and certify the suppliers that best suit your company’s needs. In addition to ensuring high standards of services and partnerships, it also protects your business from possible risks, such as delays in delivery, low-quality products and legal problems that could compromise your company’s reputation.

Confidence is the key to success

Executiva offers an exclusive and efficient methodology for approving suppliers. With a specialized team, we guarantee that your company will always be protected and will have access to the best suppliers on the market.

How we do it

Analysis and validation of the technical qualifications of active suppliers or those who will participate in competitive processes. This process aims to identify whether the supplier meets all obligations set out in law and ancillary obligations, thus preventing the provision or supply of the product or service from being considered outside the standards that govern contracting.

Our differences


Grupo 1694




Grupo 1697


Grupo 1709



Conduct thorough and detailed analyses of suppliers’ technical capabilities, ensuring that they possess the knowledge and resources necessary to meet the specific demands of your business.



Our team helps, you identify and assess potential risks of each supplier, enabling strategic decisions that reduce negative impacts on your supply chain.

How we do it:

Presentation of the company’s market situation based on certificates and positioning. Aims to demonstrate the fiscal and tax status for the purpose of maintaining and continuing the commercial relationship.

  • Evaluation of the corporate purpose versus economic activity;
  • Evaluation of the number of employees versus share capital;
  • Municipal Clearance Certificate (CND Municipal);
  • State Clearance Certificate (CND Estadual);
  • Federal Clearance Certificate (CND Federal);
  • FGTS Debt Clearance Certificate (CRF);
  • Labor Debt Clearance Certificate (CNDT);
  • Active debt inquiry of the CNPJ (with % representative of the company’s share capital);
  • Inquiry into CNPJ restrictions (financial actions, protests, bankruptcy, and other occurrences) with an indicator of default risk;
  • Inquiry of labor lawsuits associated with the CNPJ at the linked Labor Courts (TST);
  • Managerial Report, with details of the Analysis highlighted by traffic light colors (green, yellow, red);
  • Company Classification, being High Risk, Regular, Low, or None (score achieved, based on the scope of criteria evaluated).



Gain access to financial health reports of suppliers – before, during, and after hiring – through a meticulous certification process, always maintaining financially secure and reliable partnerships.

How we do it:

Validation of your company’s or supplier’s financial health based on the analysis of the last three years’ balance sheets, certificates, income statements, and over 40 indicators. The study is delivered through analysis reports of supporting documents, demonstrating the achieved score in a one-page report, with charts that allow a quick and simple reading of the main points of attention for any contracting area.

Our differentiators:

  • Higher reliability
  • Financial capacity
  • One-page report
  • Score
  • Contracting limit
  • Trend curve



Receive analyses with detailed information on the history and reputation of partners, suppliers, and subcontractors, ensuring that your company only associates with ethical and reliable commercial partners.

How we do it:

Analysis of the corporate structure and legal entity, identifying negative media, financial crimes, and more:

  • Forced Labor List – Ministry of Labor
  • Judicial Processes DataJus
  • Judicial and Administrative Processes
  • PEP – Politically Exposed Persons
  • PEPR – Related Politically Exposed Persons
  • KYC and Compliance
  • Negative Media on Google
  • Negative Media on Google with Sentiment Analysis
  • Media Exposure and Profile
  • OFAC – Global Crimes
  • IBAMA – Inquiry of Environmental Fines and Embargos
  • UNSC – United Nations Security Council Sanctions
  • BNMP – National Bank of Arrest Warrants
  • CNJ – National Register of Civil Condemnations for Acts of Impropriety
  • CVM – Terms of Settlement
  • CVM – Temporary Penalties
  • CVM – Irregular Actions – Declaratory Acts
  • CVM – CVM Deliberations (Suspension Alerts)
  • BSM – Disciplinary Activities and Processes
  • CEIS – Registry of Disqualified and Suspended Companies
  • General Disqualification Frame of the Central Bank
  • CNEP – National Registry of Punished Companies
  • CEPIM – Registry of Non-Profit Entities Barred

Our differentiators:

  • Corporate traceability
  • Legal entity traceability
  • Compliance
  • Risk reduction of the operation
  • Compliance with Law 12.846/2013 (anti-corruption)
  • Security and reliability
Grupo 1723

Revolutionize your Supplier Management

An intelligent, agile and personalized system to connect you to the ideal suppliers, simplifying each step of the process.




We simplify the hiring process, allowing you to approve suppliers quickly and securely, without complications.

Contact us right now and request a personalized quote to ensure the safety and ongoing success of your business!

To find out about the clients who already use our exclusive methodology in Third Party Management


Find out more about Supplier Approval on our blog!

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